R is for rat, who tries to avoid Hermione`s cat.
O is for orange the colour of his hair which sticks up when spiders give him a scare.
N is for nice as as he has a good heart and in every adventure he plays a part.
W is for wizardry which he is not good at and he even gets scared when he put on the sorting hat.
E is for erasing the memory of a teacher and he had appeared in a feature.
A is for ambush he succeeded everyone and now he just does it for fun.
S is for prof Snape who gives him lessons that are boring so every time he's in his bed snoring.
L is for loggerhead which Voldermort is they will soon face him one day and when they win they'll say hooray
E is for end we're nearly there, then there`ll be no one to give us a scare
Y is for yes now were done now lets chill and have some fun!
Thats very good bubby. Colm